Running Is My Recess

You knew a blog post on this was coming, right? :)

If you follow me on Instagram, FB or Twitter, you'll know that I am excited about the new movement I've created. It's called Running Is My Recess, it officially launched last week and here is a bit about why this inspires me so much:

Last September, I gleefully tearfully escorted my kids into school after a fun filled, sun drenched, adventuresome long summer. Later in the day, I went for a run and it was utterly glorious (not trying to be overly dramatic). I spent the summer battling an injury, crushed by the fact that I had to cancel a marathon I was so pumped about. My running was coming along slowly but surely, and each small block of time that I reserved to go for a run was a true gift. I felt like I was finally on the right track to being able to train again and the goals were starting to simmer with promise. On that late summer day, the sky was clear, the sun blazed bright, I took a breath of crisp sea air and I felt

"This is MY time," I thought to myself, "just for me. I don't care about the work I have to do, the laundry I need to fold, the bills I need to pay, the dinner that is waiting to be prepared. I'm blocking all of it out and just focused on feeling my legs turn over. I love how powerful my arms feel right now, the deep breath I just took and the next one I am going to take. Right now I feel unstoppable."
I can't believe that I get to do this everyday if I want. This is truly my play time, my RECESS."

I can't recall if the run that afternoon was thirty, forty five or sixty minutes, but I lost track of time. Suddenly, it's over and you are back to work, back to being a Mom and the thousand other hats to wear. You grasp onto that moment, and relish the sweat and sense of accomplishment. It's a standing date that's attached to you - part of your well being. 

I brush my teeth. I run.

That is when Running Is My Recess was born. I couldn't get the phrase out of my head and I kept pondering the idea. The possibility of turning the seed into a space where everyone would feel welcome. Runners of all abilities, shapes, sizes, male or female - just a place to share what makes running your playtime.

Sue working toward her dreams...

Sandra flying on the trails...

If you think about children - they have to get up every morning, eat their breakfast, get dressed and go to school. I can't imagine there is a school on planet earth that doesn't allow children to have time to play during their day. Kids have to run, jump, stretch their legs, play games and socialize with their friends.

How are we any different?

Adults have to carve out time for themselves in the midst of stress filled, responsibilty laden days. Some people knit, others go on a bike ride, some read a book, hike, surf, sail, golf, and the list is practically endless. That time is something we latch onto, plan and look forward to. It helps us keep a clear mind and continue to work hard.
We are runners. WE RUN. Yes, of course we have other interests, but we well know running becomes part of us, and even when we go away from it for a while, there is always a magnet drawing us back.
Grownups need recess just as much as kids (maybe more) and that is what running is: our recess.

Even on those hard core days, when you are grinding away five one mile repeats, running 16 miles with half at race pace, or simply pushing yourself out the door for three miles - it's still ultimately enjoyable and once it's done, you never regret it. Of course not every run is life changing and magical and some days really suck, but deep down we love it. The sports drives us - we still keep coming back to it and exploring the possibilities.

I'm hosting the very first giveaway on the official Instagram account, so pop over and check it out!

Join us as we navigate our way to become better runners and better people. I'd like to feature YOU. Yes, I'm talking to you over there. Tag your photos on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #runningismyrecess so we can grow this awesome community. I will then feature you on the Insta page and on my blog! We can inspire each other in ways that are unimaginable.

To the person sitting on the couch right now debating on why they would ever consider running... I encourage you to try.

Through good times and bad, it will change your life.


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