Focusing On Oakland + Green Things

So, last year I went ALL out for St. Patrick's Day. I mean, you name it - I did it. Irish music. Check. Green crafts for the kids. Check. Authentic Irish dinner. Check. Irish soda bread made from scratch. Check. Green smoothies. Check. Decorations. Check and Check.
It was crazy and so much fun. What a difference a year makes and a mother runner training for a marathon...

I do have my Pro Compression Shamrock socks on!!

This year, I made green smoothies and called it a day. Check!

Oh, and I did play Irish music again, which the kids LOVED. Everyone danced a jig and drank the smoothies (you can find the recipe HERE) and no one said anything about last year's extravaganza. Oh, Jerold did ask if we were having corned beef a la last year. Oops :) No honey - we're not...

But I am loving my nighttime snacks these last couple of days!

It's all about the Chia Seeds!! Awesome protein. Add 2-3 TBS to yogurt and granola. YES!

Today is March 18th. The next time the calendar say 18, it will be MARATHON MONDAY!!!!  I cannot believe it is 4 weeks till the freakin Boston Marathon. Crazy excited am I? YES!

Buuut first, we have the business of a half marathon to crush this weekend. We are taking a road trip up to Oakland with the kids (this is first time they will have seen me race since the Ventura Marathon) for the Oakland Marathon on Sunday.
I have the race plan from my coach and I am ready. I believe in my heart that I can grab a PR and I am on a mission to do it. Believe and you shall achieve...

6 mile easy run today and a short shake out easy run on Saturday and then it is race time!!
I know it won't be easy, but I am ready to bear down and give it all I have. I feel like I can't even really think about Boston too much until this race is over. Then it will be 2 more hard weeks of training before the taper begins. 

Northern California is a special place for Jerold and I. He is from Berkeley. Yes. Berkeley. Born and raised in the same house and all that. 
When we met, we dated long distance for over 2 years. Back and forth on United Airlines (they knew us!) every other weekend to see each other.
He showed me all the awesomeness that is the East Bay and of course San Francisco. It will be fun to get back up there to race and hang out with friends.

Anyhoo - I am sure you have all seen the video that has gone viral about body image...

If not - your welcome :)

Alrighty, it's time for me to sign off, soak in an epsom salt bath and go. to. bed.

Happy Weekend!!!

Who's racing this weekend? There are so many races, including Shamrock and NYC Half. Good Luck to everyone!!

Have you been to Northern California?

Happiness Is Running Life!


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