Running Again Feels Awesome + Vivaiodays Review

Happy Monday friends!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! It totally hit me that we have one week left of summer vacation and then my kiddos are off to school. I really can't believe how quickly the summer flew by.
My two girls are going to Kindergarten and preschool and my son is off to third grade! I had a huge moment of sadness today that my babies are really growing up. It's surreal. 
Also, I wanted to share that my running is progressing nicely and it is one of the highlights of my day. On Sunday I decided to get back into the pool for aqua jogging! Alternating between the bike and running in the pool + running everyday, the goal is to build back my cardiovascular fitness gently and safely.

I will give you the complete run down tomorrow, but today I wanted to talk about a company called Vivaiodays. Vivaiodays is a company based in Santa Monica, which is already a win in my book as I love supporting local companies! The wonderful thing about Vivaiodays (pronounced vee-vi-o. It means "nursery" in Italian) is that they believe in protecting our planet and making a difference for your family and families around the world. Here is their mission statement:

We stand by our business principles

Invest less in packaging (it's a waste for humanity!)
If packaging is inevitable, then make it re-usable, fun, educational
Invest more, in the quality of products, sustainability, and Educate Africa Program
Invest less in advertising and marketing and more in word of mouth
Invest more in consumer happiness. A happy customer is the best advertisement
Be transparent

 When I was given the opportunity to try a few of their products, I was super excited to give them a test drive. :)

Vivaiodays sent me 5 items to try. The first four items are from their body collection. I choose the Relax collection, because as a busy Mom - I am always in need of relaxation! :)

Everything was perfectly matched to use together as a complete bath (or shower) ensemble. 
I decided a wonderful soak in the bathtub was right up my alley! First I ran a nice warm bath and then I added the Relax bath salts from Erbaviva.
When I opened the bottle, the smell was incredible. The bath salts contain the essential oils of lavendar, rose and neroli. Neroli is an essential oil produced from the blossom of the bitter orange tree (source).  The oils combined together made a lovely scent and I couldn't wait to dive into the bath! The texture of the salts were tiny, fine grains that dissolved easily into the water. Another use for the salts, is that they are gentle enough to use as a body scrub! You simply combine the salts with the Relax body oil from the same company. I love that there were multiple uses for the salts and my bath was absolute heaven.

Also, it was nice to see that almost all of the ingredients were organic and I loved that it contained sunflower oil and vitamin E. I am huge fan of vitamin E on the skin...

Next, I was ready to use the body wash and lotion and it did not disappoint!

The Relax body wash lathered up so easily, which meant I didn't have to use a lot. The wonderful smell immediately relaxed me and I could have stayed in the bath all day!
Afterwards, I used the Relax body lotion which was also a treat. The lotion went on very easily and was extremely moisturizing. Bonus = my entire bathroom smelled like a slice of heaven! 

The last item I tried was the jasmine orange lip balm. I really love this lip balm and I have been using it every day! I even included it in my Friday Favorites this week!
The balm makes your lips super soft and moisturized (perfect for runners),  PLUS the smell is awesome!!

Okay, I am really jazzed to share with you the last item Vivaiodays sent me. Or I should say, BROUGHT me. They were so sweet to personally deliver everything to my house since I live in Santa Monica!
So, check out this awesome yoga mat...

Isn't it so pretty?! I love the color and the texture. As you can see, I have been using it a lot! For yoga and for my physical therapy exercises...

Here is one last awesome fact about Vivaiodays:

When you shop at Vivaiodays, they will assign you to a child in Africa to help support that child's education! For every $10 you spend on their site, $1 pays for a day of school education, meal and healthcare for your Vivaio Child. 
How amazing is that?!!!

So ---> go check out their site and happy shopping!!

Disclaimer: I was given these five items for a review. All opinions are my own.

Are you a bath or shower person?

Parents ----> Have your kids started school yet?

Happiness Is Running Life!


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