Our Time In Lake Tahoe Day 1 And Exercising With Your Kids!

Hi friends!
Normally Monday is a Meatless Monday post for me. However, with Blogfest last weekend and leaving for our vacation this weekend, I haven't had a whole lot of time for cooking! I will get back to my normal schedule soon, but for now I am enjoying this special time with my family.

It is 10:30 PM here in Lake Tahoe and I am just finishing up this post. Since it is still technically Monday, I'm going to roll with it... 

We are having such a wonderful family vacation. Long days filled with sunshine, exploring nature's beauty and spending joyful time together. 

Right before our kayaking adventure!

It is so important to me to be a good role model for my kiddos and show them that exercise is simply a way of life. It's what we do, it's fun and a great way for our family to bond together.

Josh and I had so much fun kayaking this afternoon. Great upper body workout!

I love that my kids love the water, biking, hiking, tennis, swimming as well as running!

I love seeing the smile on her face!

For my 2 year old, even though she couldn't join in the fun of kayaking just yet, she is watching and learning. She can't wait to get out there!

Today was our first day here and we have done so much already. Observing amazing wildflowers everywhere....

I get so much joy watching my kids get excited about nature. Josh spotted this blue jay and was jumping up and down in excitement. I'm so happy I was able to get a picture of this beauty...

We love walking down to the lake and there is the most beautiful walk (another great way to exercise with your kids, and they always end up running a lot too!) from the place we are staying...

Fresh air and exercise = healthy, happy kids!

What is going on with my running? I am so grateful to be full on walking for the past 2.5 weeks. I miss running SO much, but I have to take baby steps and heal my body. I go back to the doc mid August and that is when I'll be able to start running slowly on the treadmill. I was on the most beautiful path today and was yearning to go for a run. But, I had an amazing power walk and it felt so great! With the power walk and kayaking today, I had a pretty solid day of cardio - considering where I have come from...

As an injured #motherrunner, my kids are observing two things:

1. Exercise is tons of fun and being in nature is wonderful.

2. When life hands you lemons, never ever give up (make some lemonade!).

What has been your favorite part of summer so far?

For parents, what is your favorite exercise to do with your kiddos?

I hope you are having a happy start to your week!

Happiness Is Running Life!


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