Let's take a look back, shall we?
We were all jumping up and down and hugging her. Now she is just going around saying "I love you" to anyone that will listen.
AND - 90 minutes on the bike + some intense core work...
J took the big kiddos camping! So fun - they slept in a tent, went hiking, had a campfire, sang songs and roasted marshmallows. Organized by my daughter's preschool and a special time for the three of them.
This is the selfie they sent me before bedtime...
J has always been a huge camper. He has all the gear and loves the outdoors so much. This is a huge reason why we are together - we both love to run, bike, camp, hike, xc ski and a ton of other outdoor activities together. I can't imagine being married to someone who didn't love those things as much as I do :)
SBG and I stayed home and hung out together. She went to bed early and I got to eat popcorn in bed, catch up on some reading and order some running clothes.
I was going to order from Fabletics ($29 special for a complete outfit!), but everything that I liked was sold out of my size. Bummer!
So I was reading Jen's blog from MilesandBlessings and she had some fun Friday Favorites featured on her blog. One of the items was a neat running t-shirt (Run Far, Run Strong), that I ended up ordering instead. The creator of the shirt is Sarah and you can find it (and buy one!) on her blog - Runfargirl. A great shirt for a really great cause.
I can't wait to wear it! Be sure to go her blog and check it out!
I went to get a haircut Saturday afternoon and ended up cutting off TWO inches! The last year or so, I keep going back and forth from cutting my hair, letting it grow, and then cutting it again...
Two inches shorter :)
The trio was still on the camping trip and SBG and I went to church and had some special time together.
Later in the afternoon I went to the Farmer's Market and found all of these treasures...
I even got a beautiful 2 pound piece of wild sockeye salmon from Alaska!
Salmon = it's for Sunday night dinner!
Also, I decided to embark upon the 12 day @prAna yoga challenge! 12 yoga moves each day for 12 days! WOW - such a challenge as I am not a yogi!
Humm... time to practice my downward facing dog late Sunday afternoon...
So excited for the week. Lots of great workouts planned and fun prep for Valentine's Day!

Have a happy start of your week!
Do you have any plans for Valentine's Day?
J is planning something - I have no idea what it is!
Do you like to go out or stay in for V-day?
The idea of going to a crowded restaurant doesn't appeal to me. I would like to do something outside, like a hike or bike ride :)
Happiness Is Running Life!
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